Posted by Rhowyn
Sep 29th, 2016 @ 5:22 PM
Musical Staff
Oh no, don't worry, we're not going to sing at you anymore.
I just wanted to let everyone know that we've swapped some of the staff around! Our dear, sweet, crazy Numie has taken a hiatus - what? No, we didn't put her in a mental institute.... *shifty eyes.... clears throat* As I was saying. *cough* Lockette is going to be filling in for her as co-admin and Kalika will be taking over as Head Mod in Lockette's stead!
Check back soon, Lockette will be around shortly to share "A Closer Look (Part 2)" with everyone!

Check back soon, Lockette will be around shortly to share "A Closer Look (Part 2)" with everyone!
