BBCode Reference
[b]bold[/b] | bold | ||||
[i]italic[/i] | italic | ||||
[u]underlined[/u] | underlined | ||||
[s]strikethrough[/s] | strikethrough | ||||
[color=deepskyblue]color deepskyblue[/color] | color deepskyblue | ||||
[color=#00bfff]color #00bfff[/color] | color #00bfff | ||||
[size=10]size 10[/size] | size 10 | ||||
[font=Georgia]Georgia[/font] | Georgia | ||||
[left]left[/left] | left |
[center]center[/center] | center |
[right]right[/right] | right |
text[sub]sub[/sub] | textsub | ||||
text[sup]sup[/sup] | textsup | ||||
[quote=Faenaria]Hello![/quote] |
[quote]Nice to see you![/quote] |
[spoiler=Something is hidden below here...]...but nothing important.[/spoiler] |
[spoiler]Yay![/spoiler] |
[hide=Something is hidden below here...]...but nothing important.[/hide] |
[hide]Yay![/hide] |
[code]source code line 1 source code line 2[/code] |
[nocode][b]text[/b] [i]including[/i] [u]tags[/u][/nocode] |
[staff]You will only see this on the right side if you are a staff member.[/staff] |
[url=]Faenaria[/url] | Faenaria | ||||
[url][/url] | | ||||
[img][/img] | |||||
[list][*]list item[/list] |
[list=1][*]list item[/list] |
[table][row][cell]row 1 cell 1[/cell][cell]row 1 cell 2[/cell][/row][row][cell]row 2 cell 1[/cell][cell]row 2 cell 2[/cell][/row][/table] |
[table=border:1px darkcyan solid;width:40%;][row=background-color:chocolate;height:100px;][cell=vertical-align:bottom;]row 1 cell 1[/cell][cell=font-weight:bold;]row 1 cell 2[/cell][/row][row][cell]row 2 cell 1[/cell][cell=background-color:darkcyan;]row 2 cell 2[/cell][/row][/table] |
[bg=chocolate]chocolate background[/bg] | chocolate background | ||||
[hr] | |||||
(A) | |||||
:| | |||||
<3 | |||||
;3 | |||||
:/ | |||||
8D | |||||
(D) | |||||
;* | |||||
:D | |||||
=3 | |||||
^_^ | |||||
:( | |||||
x_x | |||||
:) | |||||
(S) | |||||
o_o | |||||
;) | |||||
:P | |||||
XD |