News > Kickstarter Update: Day 4
Posted by Rhowyn Oct 5th, 2016 @ 9:33 PM
Kickstarter Update: Day 4
We're at 38% funded! Which means we're now only 12% away from our 50% milestone! Help us get there?

Pop Over to Our Kickstarter

A couple things you might not know about Kickstarter:
  • You can pledge at any time, even if you don't have funds available yet. There's no escrow hold or anything like that. You won't have to make good on your pledge unless the campaign is successful and even then you won't be charged until after the campaign has finished.
  • You can modify your pledge at any time up until the campaign ends. This means you can increase or decrease the pledge amount or even cancel your pledge entirely should your situation change.

If you have any questions or concerns about Kickstarter, please feel free to PM me!
