Posted by Rhowyn
Oct 16th, 2016 @ 11:39 PM
Pet Simmer Julie!
We're at 51% funded on Kickstarter! If you haven't pledged hop on over and do so! Even if all you can do is $1 or $5 it helps us get there! If 20 people could pledge $5 each that would be $100 toward our goal alone! It really adds up, so don't be shy!
Kickstarter Gateway
In other news, the admins and I had an exciting morning! We were interviewed by the very sweet, Julie Bonk of Pet Simmer! You should also check out her YouTube channel and this Livestream she did today where she features Origins! n.n
Pet Simmer Julie
Kickstarter Gateway
In other news, the admins and I had an exciting morning! We were interviewed by the very sweet, Julie Bonk of Pet Simmer! You should also check out her YouTube channel and this Livestream she did today where she features Origins! n.n
Pet Simmer Julie