News > Updates & Sale!
Posted by Rhowyn Aug 17th, 2017 @ 5:27 PM
Updates & Sale!

Well first off, let me start by saying that I am now employed! I've been hired on at a hospital in their customer care management department (scheduling/screening patients that sort of thing) and will be starting this coming Monday! I'm very excited to finally be back among the work force and hope to keep this job for a very long time.

That being said, Origins is in a small pickle. Our hosting is coming due in a few days and I won't have money to renew it for another couple weeks. So, I'm going to do what I did a few months back over Discord and offer Double JB! If you buy 12 JB at $10 you instead get 24, etc. It would only take 4 $10 purchases for us to have another 3 months of hosting.

As a further incentive I'm going to have another "All in" FA sale where limited/seasonal items get chucked into the Jade Emporium for a couple weeks. This should give you guys something to spend all the JB on or you can hoard it for when pets get released! (which I will have more solid information on that and on our new layout very soon)

So how long is this all going to last? Well, the Double JB Sale is going to last for a week, so until 5PM Origins Time Aug 24th. The FA Limited Sale will last two weeks, until 5PM Origins Time Aug 31st!

As always we greatly appreciate our benefactors and contributors. If you can't help monetarily, we definitely understand. You can help in other ways, such as giving feedback and just being active. We love to hear from our community, ultimately Origins is for you guys, so please come to us with anything that might be on your mind! Also be watching the Suggestions board, I'll be throwing a few threads up that I'd love to get everybody's insight on!

In short, (haha after babbling), thank you all and I hope you enjoy the impromptu sale!!
