Forum > Faenaria Talk > Wishlist Dreams
Colorful Kalika
The Original

Wishlist Dreams

This post has been locked. Everyone has their own Wishlist on their profiles. You can add to your Wishlist by going to the Market -FA Shops - Choose the FA Shop you want and hit Wishlist for any item you want to have.

For those looking to gift someone, you can go to About - Members Wishlist and Snuggery is next to their name as well as the last time they were on.

You can also drop a link to you wishlist link Here. It won't be for typing out the wishlist, just leave the link the wishlist on your profile please.
Colorful Kalika
The Original

Colorful Kalika
The Original




Allie's Wishlist

Dream Emporium
Monarch Wings
Monarch Wing Markings
Monarch Wing Edge
Monarch Wing Spots

Foot Fetish
Leather Boots
Steampunk Boots

Hold Me Tight
Teddy Bear

Marvelous Mutations
Centaur Body
Fairy Centaur Tail Long

Winter Wonderland/u]
Reshma Gown Lunar
Valentine Elizabeth Gown

[u] Wish Boutique

Fusion Miko Dress

Let's just say it's a to buy list XP

---Amber Boutique---

---Beauty Salon---

---Express Yourself---

---Foot Fetish---

---Here and There---

---Hold Me Tight---

---Jewelry Box---

---Nip and Tuck---

---This and That---

---Veronica's Secret---

---Limited Bazaar---

---Jade Emporium---

Arachne Shirt Limited
Vineyard Limited Gown
Vineyard Seasonal Gown
Arachne Skirt Ltd

---Preview Shop---

Faerie Dress Floral

Rose Forest Night
Rose Forest Day

Spring Loli Shirt Lace
Spring Loli Shoe Bows
Spring Loli Shirt
Spring Loli Stockings
Spring Loli Skirt Bows
Spring Loli Bottom
Spring Loli Shoulder Accents
Spring Loli Sleeves
Spring Loli Shoes

Santa Baby Boots
Santa Baby Gloves
Santa Baby Skirt
Santa Baby Shirt
Santa Baby Scarf
Santa Baby Hat
Santa Baby Collar

Reshma Gown St Patrick
Reshma Gown Valentine Set
Reshma Gown Ltd Set

Camp Participant Prize 2015
2015 NaNoWriMo Winners Quill
Camp Winner Trail Map 2015
2013 NaNoWriMo Winners Quill

Spoiler: =Thank you!=


Thank you
Kiwiana the Magic Fairy


Spoiler: Emy's Wishlist^^
Nip and Tuck: The three skins and the two wings
Beauty Salon: All the hair except Gabriel, Faerie, Sybil and Demon Back
Limited Bazaar: All the hair
Here and There: The three BGs

I actually need almost each and everything haha, but that list should already give enough options


Star's Wishlist

Spoiler: Beauty Salon

Adele B
Adele Fade B
Adele Streaks B
Aida B
Alice Fade
Anastasia B
Anastasia Fade
Anastasia Fade B
Blanche Fade
Blanche Streaks
Brittney B
Cupid B
Deanna B
Deanna Fade
Deanna Fade B
Diane Fade
Elaine B
Faerie B
Faerie Fade
Faerie Fade B
Faerie Streaks
Faerie Streaks B
Felicia B
Gabriel B
Gabriel Fade
Gabriel Fade B
Hime B
Jordan B
Juliana B
Kaitlin B
Leah B
Linda B
Mei B
Mei Fade
Mei Fade B
Mustang Hair
Mustang Hair B
Natalie B
Olivia B
Olivia Fade
Olivia Fade B
Pamela B
Peggy Jo
Peggy Jo B
Punk B
Sassy Curls
Sassy Long
Sassy Medium
Silvana B
Silvana Fade
Silvana Fade B
Sybil Fade
Tsubaki B
Vineyard B

Spoiler: Dream Emporium

Wishing Wings
Wishing Wing Gems
Winter Wings
Winter Necklace
Winter Breath
Winter Bracelet R
Winter Bracelet L
Vineyard Seasonal Gown
Shepherd Hook Right
Shepherd Hook Left
Royal Wings
Royal Wing Tips
Naginata Ribbon
Naginata Metal
Naginata Blade
Monarch Wings
Monarch Wing Spots
Monarch Wing Markings
Monarch Wing Edge
Mini Tabby
Mini Lion
Mini Husky
Crystal Wings

Spoiler: Express Yourself

Angry Eyebrows
Bambi Eyes
Basic Lips
Closed Eyes
Confused Eyebrows
Demon Eyes
Dominique Eyes
Faerie Lips Natural
Fanged Grin
Kinky Cupid Brows
Kinky Cupid Eyes
Kinky Cupid Lips Natural
Loli Brows
Loli Eyes
Loli Lips
Moles Left
Moles Right
Naga Eyes
Naga Grin
Naga Tongue
Naga Tongue Fanged
Neutral Lips
Open Mouth
Pamela Lips
Pamela Lips Natural
Pouty Lips
Pouty Lips Natural
Punk Eyebrows
Punk Eyes
Punk Eyeshadow
Punk Lips
Punk Lips Natural
Simple Brows
Simple Lips
Soft Grin
Vernal Vineyard Eyes
Vineyard Brows
Vineyard Eyes
Worried Eyebrows
Yana Lips
Yana Lips Natural

Spoiler: Foot Fetish

Basic Heels
Basic Pumps
Beach Sandals
Bernise Ankle Boots
Expedition Boots
Hiking Boots
Jamie Boots
Kinky Cupid Boots
Laced Ankle Boots
Leather Boots
Meg Boots
Patrick Boots
Punk Boots
Shamrock Shoes
Steampunk Boots

Spoiler: Here and There

Arctic Night BG
Background Moon
Background Table
Bats BG
Fireplace Hearth
Fireplace Mantel
Fog BG background
Fog FG foreground
Grass BG
Graveyard Background
Hearts BG
Holiday Lights
Holiday Lights Glow
Holiday Lights String
Lamp Post L
Lamp Post R
Pumpkins BG
Pumpkins BG Stems
Pumpkins FG
Pumpkins FG Stems
Rain BG
Rain FG
Rainbow Stripe BG
Rock Stage
Shiplap Wall
Snowy Forest BG
Sunset Beach BG
Swirly Frame
Textured Background
Textured BG Fade Left
Textured BG Fade Right
Textured BG Stripes 1
Textured BG Stripes 2
Textured BG Stripes 3
Textured BG Stripes 4
Wooden Floor

Spoiler: Hold Me Tight

Birthday Balloon 1
Birthday Balloon 2
Birthday Balloon 3
Chocolate Box
Demon Pitchfork
Dreamcatcher L Feathers 1
Dreamcatcher L Feathers 2
Dreamcatcher L Feathers 3
Dreamcatcher L Hoop
Dreamcatcher L Weave
Dreamcatcher R Feathers 1
Dreamcatcher R Feathers 2
Dreamcatcher R Feathers 3
Dreamcatcher R Hoop
Dreamcatcher R Weave
Hand Lantern L
Hand Lantern R
Handcuff Fuzz
Handheld Book Cover
Handheld Book Pages
Handheld Candle
Handheld Candle Plate
Handheld Candy Cane
Handheld Candy Cane Stripes
Heart Staff Bow
Heart Staff Frame
Heart Staff Rod
Katana Blade
Katana Metal
Katana Wrap
Kinky Cupid Arrow
Kinky Cupid Bow
Kinky Cupid Bowstring
Kinky Cupid Cat of Nine Tails
Pumpkin Stem
Rose Hand Open
Rose Hand Stem
Rose Mouth Closed
Rose Mouth Open
Rose Mouth Stem
Sword Cane
Sword Cane Handle
Teddy Bear
Umbrella Handle

Spoiler: Jewelry Box

Aida Bracer
Aida Circlet
Aida Cuffs
Bangle Bracelet L1
Bangle Bracelet L2
Bangle Bracelet L3
Bangle Bracelet R1
Bangle Bracelet R2
Bangle Bracelet R3
Bangle Bracelets L
Bangle Bracelets R
Belly Stud High
Belly Stud Low
Brow Stud Left
Brow Stud Right
Chain Necklace Long
Chain Necklace Medium
Chain Necklace Short
Circle Necklace
Circle Necklace Gem
Demon Horn Jewels
Demon Necklace
Feather Earring L
Feather Earring R
Feather Necklace
Fusion Miko Bow Neck
Heart Necklace
Heart Necklace Gem
Hip Studs
Kinky Cupid Collar
Kinky Cupid Halo
Leaf Earring Left
Leaf Earring Right
Leaf Earrings
Leaf Necklace
Lip Ring 1 Left
Lip Ring 1 Right
Lip Ring 2 Left
Lip Ring 2 Right
Lip Ring 3 Left
Lip Ring 3 Right
Locket Necklace
Loli Bow Necklace
Loli Lace Choker
Multi Hoop Earrings
Multi Hoop Earrings Upper
Nose Stud
Pamela Collar
Patrick Bowtie
Patrick Bowtie Collar
Punk Collar
Punk Collar Sheer
Punk Ear Studs
Ring Left
Ring Right
Rose Ear Wrap Blossom
Rose Ear Wrap Thorns
Simple Necklace
Small Hoop Earring
Small Hoop Earring Tip
Small Hoop Earring Upper
Stud Earring
Triangle Necklace
Triangle Necklace Gem

Spoiler: Magical Menagerie

Baby Ginger Spice Sorako
Baby Lunar New Year Ryu
Baby Miko Kirin
Baby Pastel Sorako
Baby Pink Lemonade Ryu
Baby St Patricks Day Kirin

Spoiler: Marvelous Mutations

Centaur Bangles
Centaur Leg Fade
Centaur Tail Bow
Fairytale Centaur Armor
Fairytale Centaur Sash
Fairytale Centaur Sash Hearts
Fairytale Centaur Sash Pendant
Fairytale Centaur Tail Cut
Fairytale Centaur Tail Long
Fairytale Hoof Fluff
Hoof Feather Bangles
Mustang Centaur Tail
Naga Belly
Naga Scales
Sassy Centaur Tail

Spoiler: Nip and Tuck

COMING Etc....

(Will slowly add more)
(updated 5/12/2020)
(updated: 5/16/2020)

Spoiler: Big thanks to...


[if I've missed you I apologize and drop me a line and I'll add you to the thanks section.]

Ping me or quote me, I tend to wander.

Star's Quest List | Star's Runway

My wishlist... Basically anything I'm not already wearing. I'm too new to know what else is around

But seriously, if there's anything specific that I can think of, it's a pair of wings for Markaleb. They're having issues finding a pair and that's pretty much the only thing they want.
Royal the Strong
Guardian Ruler


Royal's Wishlist
-Rose Forest Night Background

Lady Dragongirl
Ko-fi Bean
Dragon Guardian


Update on September 3rd, 2020
Please use the main wishlist on for now.

I will try to update the bellow one over the weekend so it basically mirrors the main one.

Spoiler: Dragongirl's wishlist:

Just updating here need a batch of stuff it turns out. Some are more for use in the avatar design contest event.
Spoiler: Beauty Salon

Olivia B
Olivia Fade
Olivia Fade B
Aida B
Blanche Fade
Diane Fade
Elaine B
Jordan B
Juliana B
Mei B
Mei Fade
Mei Fade B
Natalie B
Silvana B
Silvana Fade
Silvana Fade B
Tsubaki B
Vineyard B
Aida B Fade
Aida Fade
Cupid B Fade
Cupid Fade
Fiona B Fade
Fiona Fade
Kayla Fade
Linda B Fade
Linda Fade
Natalie B Fade
Natalie Fade
Sassy Curls Fade
Sassy Long Fade
Sassy Medium Fade
Tsubaki B Fade
Tsubaki Fade
Vineyard B Fade
Vineyard Fade
Yuri Fade

Alice Fade
Anastasia B
Anastasia Fade
Anastasia Fade B
Brittney B
Cupid B
Deanna B
Deanna Fade
Deanna Fade B
Demona B
Gabriel B
Gabriel Fade
Gabriel Fade B
Leah B
Linda B
Mustang Hair
Mustang Hair B
Pamela B
Peggy Jo
Peggy Jo B
Punk B
Sassy Curls
Sassy Long
Sassy Medium
Sybil Fade

Spoiler: Foot Fetish

Beach Sandals
Bodacious Shoes
Bernise Ankle Boots
Expedition Boots
Laced Ankle Boots
Shamrock Shoes
High Boots
High Boots Shadows

Hiking Boots
Jamie Boots
Leather Boots
Meg Boots
Patrick Boots
Punk Boots
Steampunk Boots

Spoiler: Here and There

Arctic Night BG
Graveyard Background
Midnight Meadow BG
Lamp Post L
Lamp Post R
Moonlit Balcony BG
Pumpkins BG
Pumpkins FG
Rock Stage
Simple Frame
Snowy Forest BG
Sunset Beach BG
Textured BG Fade Right
Textured BG Stripes 1
Textured BG Stripes 2
Textured BG Stripes 3
Textured BG Stripes 4

Bats BG

Spoiler: Hold Me Tight

Demon Pitchfork
Dreamcatcher L Feathers 1
Dreamcatcher L Feathers 2
Dreamcatcher L Feathers 3
Dreamcatcher L Hoop
Dreamcatcher L Weave
Dreamcatcher R Feathers 1
Dreamcatcher R Feathers 2
Dreamcatcher R Feathers 3
Dreamcatcher R Hoop
Dreamcatcher R Weave
Hand Lantern L
Hand Lantern R
Katana Blade
Kinky Cupid Cat of Nine Tails
Sword Cane
Sword Cane Handle
Umbrella Handle

Spoiler: Jewelry Box

Feather Necklace
Locket Necklace
Loli Bow Necklace
Aida Bracer
Aida Circlet
Aida Cuffs
Loli Bow Necklace
Loli Lace Choker
Patrick Bowtie
Punk Collar

Spoiler: Marvelous Mutations

Basic Centaur Tail
Centaur Body Fade
Centaur Leg Fade
Centaur Top Fade
Curly Centaur Tail
Flowing Centaur Tail
Hoof Feathers
Hoof Flames
Mustang Centaur Tail
Naga Scales
Sassy Centaur Tail

Spoiler: Nip and Tuck

Chromatic Skin
Feather Wings
Dark Fae Wings
Demon Horns
Demon Tail
Demon Tail Skintones
Monster Skins
Natural Skins
Right Arm Swirl Tattoo
Right Leg Swirl Tattoo
Stomach Swirl Tattoo
Vineyard Skin
Wolf Ears
Wolf Tail
Left Arm Swirl Tattoo
Left Leg Swirl Tattoo

Spoiler: Veronica's Secret

Abigails Barrette
Beach Ball
Beach Ball Panels
Birthday Sash
Cauldron Bubbles
Dreamcatcher L Feathers 1 Hook
Dreamcatcher L Feathers 2 Hook
Dreamcatcher L Feathers 3 Hook
Dreamcatcher L Hoop Hook
Dreamcatcher L Weave Hook
Dreamcatcher R Feathers 1 Hook
Dreamcatcher R Feathers 2 Hook
Dreamcatcher R Feathers 3 Hook
Dreamcatcher R Hoop Hook
Dreamcatcher R Weave Hook
Expedition Ties
Expedition Wraps
Fishtail Dress Bottom
Flare Dress Bottom
Floppy Hat
Furry Legwarmers
Gwendoline Belt
Gwendoline Sleeves
Hand Lantern L Glass
Hand Lantern L Glow
Hand Lantern R Glass
Hand Lantern R Glow
Hook Lantern L
Hook Lantern L Glass
Hook Lantern L Glow
Hook Lantern R
Hook Lantern R Glass
Hook Lantern R Glass
Hook Lantern R Glow
Hook Lantern R Glow
Knotted Sash
Laced Ankle Boot Strings
Lamp Post L Glass
Lamp Post L Glow
Lamp Post L Lights
Lamp Post R Glass
Lamp Post R Glow
Lamp Post R Lights
Lamp Post R Lights Glow
Large Top Hat
Lisa Headband
Obi Belt Wide
Obi Sash
Patrick Hat
Patrick Hat Band
Patty Skirt Ruffles Bottom
Patty Top Hat
Patty Top Hat Band
Punk Arm Bands
Punk Arm Bands Sheer
Punk Blindfold
Punk Gloves
Sashed Belt
Silk Sleeves
Slotted Glasses
Spiderweb Tights Deco
Steampunk Arm Cuffs
Steampunk Gaiters
Steampunk Gloves
Steampunk Hat
Table Candles
Table Garland
Top Hat
Vagabond Shoulders
Vineyard Gloves
Demon Pauldron Left
Demon Pauldron Right
Demon Pauldrons
Demon Sleeves
Demon Sleeves Sheer
Patrick Shirt Lining
Patrick Suspender Clips
Patrick Buttons
Patrick Suspenders

Spoiler: Veronica's Secret

Leg Wraps
Long Johns
Shamrock Stockings
Zebra Leggings
Aida Garter
Demon Leggings
Demon Leggings Sheer
Fishnet Legging Left
Fishnet Legging Right
Fishnet Legging Torn Right
Fishnet Leggings
Leaf Legs
Striped Swim Trunks
Swim Trunks

Spoiler: Wish Boutique

Aida Corset
Aida Skirt
Aida Top
Asymmetric Top
Baggy Tank Top
Basic Sweater
Basic Sweater Baggy
Bodacious Baggy Shirt
Bodacious Leggings
Cargo Pants
Choker Top
Crop Top
Demon Corset
Drider Silk Top
Elizabeth Gown
Flutter Blouse
Fringe Skirt
Fringe Top
Fusion Miko Dress
Glamour Skirt
Glamour Top
Glamour Top Long
Gwendoline Gown
Gwendoline Skirt
Gwendoline Top
Kinky Cupid Bodysuit Slim
Leather Trench Coat
Little Black Dress
Off Shoulder Blouse
Pamela Corset
Pamela MiniSkirt
Pamela Shirt
Pamela Skirt
Patty Corset
Patty Jacket
Patty Jacket Back
Patty Shirt
Pencil Skirt
Peplum Blouse
Punk Tattered Shirt
Punk Tattered Shorts
Ruffled Mini Skirt
Ruffled Skirt
Short Kimono
Short Yukata
Skinny Jeans
Slit Mini Skirt
Slit Skirt
Steampunk Corset Plain
Steampunk Corset Shadows
Steampunk Shirt
Steampunk Skirt
Steampunk Trousers
Stitched Mini Skirt
Swim Skirt
Swim Suit Flutter Top
Vagabond Cloak
Valerie Skirt
Wrapped Bodice
Wrapped Dress
Wrapped Dress Sheer
Basic Capris
Bodacious Shirt
Bodacious Slacks
Bodacious Tank
Steampunk Vest Plain
Steampunk Vest Shadows
High Waisted Skirt
Peasant Chemise
Peasant Overdress
Wavy Skirt
Wrap Top

Spoiler: Summer Spectacle

Rose Forest Day
Rose Forest Night
Vineyard Limited Gown
Vineyard Summer Gown
Baby Oil Slick Kudo

Spoiler: Autumn Attitude

Baby Candy Corn Manticore
Baby Cats Sorako
Harvest BG
House Scarf
House Stockings
Reshma Gown Halloween
Scythe of Souls Blade
Scythe of Souls Haft
Scythe of Souls Haft Solid
Scythe of Souls Orb Haft
Scythe of Souls Orb Wire
Scythe of Souls Wire
Witchy Halloween Dress
Witchy Halloween Hat
Wizard Halloween Hat
Wizard House Hat
Wizard Halloween Pants

Spoiler: Winter Wonderland

Baby Heart Manticore
Handheld Paper Lantern L
Handheld Paper Lantern L Metal
Handheld Paper Lantern R Metal
Ornate Lantern L Frame
Ornate Lantern L Frame Hook
Ornate Lantern L Globe
Ornate Lantern L Globe Hook
Ornate Lantern L Glow
Ornate Lantern L Glow Hook
Ornate Lantern R Frame Hook
Ornate Lantern R Globe Hook
Ornate Lantern R Glow Hook
Ornate Winter Cloak
Ornate Winter Cloak Trim
Ornate Winter Hood
Ornate Winter Hood Trim
Paris Balcony BG
Santa Baby Boot Trim
Santa Baby Collar
Santa Baby Collar Accent
Santa Baby Glove Trim
Santa Baby Gloves
Santa Baby Gloves
Santa Baby Hat
Santa Baby Hat Trim
Santa Baby Pants
Santa Baby Scarf
Santa Baby Scarf Trim
Santa Baby Shirt
Santa Baby Skirt
Santa Baby Skirt Trim
Santa Baby Top Trim
Valentine Elizabeth Gown
Santa Baby Belt
Santa Baby Belt Buckle
Santa Baby Coat
Santa Baby Coat Trim

Spoiler: Retired Repository

2013 NaNoWriMo Winners Quill
2015 NaNoWriMo Winners Quill
2016 NaNoWriMo Winners Pen
Camp NaNo Winner 2016
Camp NaNo Winner 2018
Camp NaNo Winner 2019
Camp Participant Prize 2015
Camp Winner Nightie 2015
Camp Winner Trail Map 2015
Reshma Gown Limited 1
Reshma Gown Limited 2
Reshma Gown Limited 3
Reshma Gown Limited 4
Reshma Gown Valentine 1
Reshma Gown Valentine 2
Reshma Gown Valentine 3
Reshma Gown Valentine 4

My Wishlist
Friend code = Wizard United: 4394 6092 6061 Pokemon Go: 9859 4622 2603
Osachan the Daydreamer
Archivist Apprentice


Spoiler: Osachan's wishlist - Last updated 3rd of January 2017

Beauty Salon

Foot Fetish

Here and There
Rock Stage

Hold Me Tight
Rose Hand
Rosebud Hand

Jewelry Box
Demon Horn Jewels
Kinky Cupid Barrette Black
Kinky Cupid Barrette Silver
Kinky Cupid Barrette White
Kinky Cupid Heart Pendant Silver
Leaf Earring Left
Leaf Earring Right
Leaf Necklace
Loli Lace Choker
Punk Ear Studs

Limited Bazaar
Loli Brows Limited
Kinky Cupid Brows Ltd
Kinky Cupid Brows Ltd
Kinky Cupid Lips Ltd
Spring Loli Stockings Ltd
Spring Loli Shirt Lace Ltd
Spring Loli Shoe Bows Ltd
Spring Loli Skirt Bows Ltd
Spring Loli Hair Bow Ltd
Loli Eyes Limited
Loli Silk Choker Limited
Loli Lace Choker Limited
Loli Bow Necklace Ltd
Spring Loli Arm Warmers Ltd
Spring Loli Arm Ribbons Ltd
Spring Loli Belt Limited
Spring Loli Shoes Ltd
Spring Loli Sleeves Limited
Spring Loli Shoulder Accents Ltd
Spring Loli Bottom Ltd
Spring Loli Shirt Limited
Pamela Shirt Limited
Pamela MiniSkirt Limited
Pamela Lips Limited
Pamela Earpiece Limited
Pamela Corset Limited
Pamela Collar Limited
Pamela Earpiece Light Ltd
Pamela Belts Limited
Pamela Belt Buckles Ltd
Kinky Cupid Wings Limited
Kinky Cupid Halo Limited
Kinky Cupid Barrette White Limited
Kinky Cupid Barrette Silver Limited
Kinky Cupid Barrette Gold Limited
Kinky Cupid Barrette Black Limited
Kinky Cupid Heart Pendant Silver Limited
Kinky Cupid Heart Pendant Gold Limited
Kinky Cupid Collar Limited
Kinky Cupid Bodysuit Limited
Kinky Cupid Eyes Limited
Faerie Wings Limited
Faerie Lips Limited
Faerie Leg Vines Limited
Faerie Leg Roses Limited
Faerie Eyes Limited
Yuri Limited
Sybil Limited
Shannon Limited
Shamrock Limited
Sassy Long Limited
Sassy Medium Limited
Sassy Curls Limited
Kayla Limited
Joan Limited
Diane Limited
Faerie Crown Roses Ltd
Faerie Crown Leaves Ltd
Faerie Dress Limited
Faerie Brows Limited
Faerie Dress Belt Limited
Blanche Limited
Madison Limited
Spring Loli Hair Limited
Pamela Limited
Pamela Skirt Limited
Cupid Limited
Silvana Limited
Punk Limited
Peggy Jo Limited
Olivia Limited
Natalie Limited
Mei Limited
Linda Limited
Leah Limited
Kaitlin Limited
Jordan Limited
Deanna Limited
Juliana Limited
Gabriel Limited
Fiona Limited
Felicia Limited
Faerie Limited
Demon Limited
Brittney Limited
Anastasia Limited
Adele Limited

Nip and Tuck
Faerie Wings
Kinky Cupid Wings

/creeps in

I'm currently very, very new. So, legit, anything would be great! I love to decorate~

I do happen to favor dark, spooky, and formal things- so things of that sort; also have been seeing wings listed, and if there is any in black that would be epic, aha!

/will update as I get more acquainted with the site, eheh
The Radioactive Princess
Pastel Princess

Princess's Wishlist

This and That
Vineyard Gloves
Faerie Leg Roses
Vernal Vineyard Gloves
Fiona Flowers
Open Flower
Demon Pauldron Left
Demon Pauldron Right
Demon Skull Eyes Left
Demon Skull Eyes Right
Demon Skull Eyes
Punk Blindfold
Demon Pauldrons

Nip and Tuck
Faerie Wings

Limited Bazaar
Yuri Limited
Cupid Limited
Silvana Limited
Mei Limited
Mei Limited
Peggy Jo Limited
Leah Limited
Kaitlin Limited
Adele Limited
Brittney Limited

Jade Emporium
Arachne Shirt Limited
Arachne Skirt Ltd
Vineyard Seasonal Gown

Here and There
Moonlit Balcony BG

Beauty Salon
Peggy Jo

Amber Boutique
Punk Tattered Shirt
Wrapped Dress Sheer
Smooth Dress
Smooth Sleeveless Dress
Arachne Skirt Black

luvloveless The Unicorn
The Unicorn in the Corner


luvloveless's Wishlist

Limited Bazaar
-Kinky Cupid Brows Ltd
-Kinky Cupid Lips Ltd
-Pamela Lips Limited
-Pamela Corset Limited
-Pamela Collar Limited
-Kinky Cupid Wings Ltd
-Kinky Cupid Halo Ltd
-Kinky Cupid Barrette Silver Ltd
-Kinky Cupid Heart Pendant Silver Ltd
-Kinky Cupid Collar Ltd
-Kinky Cupid Boots Ltd
I also play Kingdom of Knuffel, Flight Rising, and FurVilla. I have the same username on all of them which is the same one I use here.

My Current Wishlist/Goals -Updated October 18th 2018

-KS items such as the kitty
-Arachne Skirt Ltd

The only item I'd like to add to my wishlist is a good background to suit my avatar.

Currently the only items I'm looking for would be Rose Forest Day/Night (Daylight/Moonlit)
though have debated on looking into getting the rest of the sites items as well so I have access to a bit of variety..
...Current Item Wish List...

Rose Forest Day/Night (Daylight/Moonlit)
Crafty Cataluna
☾ Cat of the Moon ☽


~ Cat's Wishlist ~

Retired Repository
Kinky Cupid Bodysuit Exclusive
Kinky Cupid Bodysuit Slim Exclusive
Kinky Cupid Boots Exclusive
Kinky Cupid Halo Exclusive

Last Updated: 12/03/20
My Wishlist
Priestess Okirin
Shy Wolf Soul


(This wishlist is STILL up-to-date, but I might not add new things here, since we've got a wishlist in our profiles. The "thank you" part, though, will be updated.)

Dream Shards:

Autumn Attitude: Baby Cats Sorako ; Harvest BG
Spring Sensation: Spring Loli Arm Warmers ; Rainbow BG
Winter Wonderland: Ornate Winter Cloak; Ornate Winter Cloak Trim ; Santa Baby Boot Trim

Not available: Retired Repository: 2013 NaNoWriMo Winners Quill
Kickstarter Fae Avatar Shops:
Sun & Moon: Sun Moon Hair ; Sun Moon Hair Back ; Sun Moon Ribbons Back ; Sun Sword ; Sun Sword Hilt ; Sun Sword Hilt Back
Witchy Set: Witchy Boots ; Witchy Wizard Broomstick ; Witchy Wizard Cat ; Witchy Wizard Owl ; Witchy Wizard Wand ; Wizard Hair

Spoiler: Thank you
Thank you to Aleah (the fastest gifter alive!) and Lucille for the Graveyard Background!
Thank you, Royal !
Thank you "Hair Today"'s charity.
Thank you (once again) Aleah, for the cute Mini Tabby!
Thank you, dear Kiran, for the Umbrella Handle and Umbrella gifted on my birth day!
Thank you, Lorebeast, for gifting me the Anastasia sets of hair!!!
Thank you, yumekaczorek, for the very pretty floral dress!
FireLilly, thank you so much for the gorgeous monarch wings!
Lucille, you're an angel: thanks for the monarch wing markings, edge and spots!!!
☕ Coffee Lover since 1994 ☕
Aleah The Pink Lady
Joyful Gifter


Okirin, as far as I'm concerned, pay it forward

*~All you need is love. And a cat. Or two.~*