News > Kickstarter Concerns?
Posted by Rhowyn Oct 11th, 2016 @ 4:07 PM
Kickstarter Concerns?
As much as I don't want to admit this, it's become clear that our Kickstarter has run out of momentum, which is very concerning to me and the rest of the staff. In order for this site to move forward, this Kickstarter must be successful. This isn't a ploy to get your hard earned money, this isn't the team saying we would rather make the users pay than pay ourselves.... This is me coming to our fans, our new members, our potential members, to the world and asking for help.

I've spent almost 5 years working on Origins in some form or another. The original adoptable that brought me to this point was owned by somebody else, who passed the torch and the business to me. I took on a whole lot of problems under that brand to the point that we had to get new artwork because the artist refused to let us keep using it. Eventually it became clear that the original brand had a negative reputation because of the previous owner and so I sat down with the staff and we hashed out a new idea. It's what you're seeing now. It's Origins.

In the last 5 years I've struggled through a lot of personal hardships, the most trying of which happened on March 7th 2015. My mother passed away unexpectedly and if it weren't for the amazing people I've met working on Origins I don't know how I would have gotten through that. Nimue and her husband actually drove over 2 hours to come and be with me, Kiran listened to and comforted me to the best of her ability, dragonstarr took over the admin duties for several weeks because I just couldn't handle it... And early this year, when I was struggling to move from North Carolina to Missouri, Nimue said, "you and me, girl, road trip!" These amazing women, all of them. They're family to me. They have all poured themselves into this site - financially, artistically, creatively - and into me, too. They trust me to take the reins and make Origins the best place it can be and I trust them to have my back.

So this is my question to you now... How can we make you feel comfortable trusting us? What can we do to make the Kickstarter more appealing? What would it take for you to pledge your support to Origins? Please tell us in the comments or if you're shy, you can message me in private. We're open to everything constructive, even if it might be hard to hear. We want Origins to be a success, but we can't do it without a successful Kickstarter. We can't do it without you. So please, leave your feedback, share with your friends, back us on Kickstarter!

If you have already pledged, thank you. The amount doesn't matter, the act of doing so is what counts. We appreciate you standing up and saying, "I believe in your vision. Make it so!" That's an amazing gift, so again, thank you.

In Case You Forgot the Way
(yeah I know you didn't lol)

Here's some facts about our Kickstarter as supplied by Kicktraq!

Oct 14th, 2016 @ 2:27 PM
sorry there are some issues with money, i hope that you are able to get what you need. considering the holidays and my own personal issues with money right now i understand how you feel.
Oct 12th, 2016 @ 3:05 PM
Oh wow, didn't know that! That's good news! Thank you!
Oct 12th, 2016 @ 11:29 AM
Origins is actually gaining quite a lot of momentum on the other pet sites, too. I came here from Chicken Smoothie! Trying to get the word out more
Oct 12th, 2016 @ 12:56 AM
Anything like what Emylee suggested is a great way to help, too. Posting on social media or similar places and explaining why you backed and what you're excited for, is also really, really good for us. Make sure to include a link!
Oct 11th, 2016 @ 8:28 PM
I really hope you guys are gonna make it! Bumped my pledge a little, and hope to get a bit more later. We can do it!!!