News > Non-Lucy Update!
Posted by Rhowyn Feb 18th, 2017 @ 11:26 AM
Non-Lucy Update!
Imagine that, an update not about me....

So, we're slowly getting back to work and by that I mean the cogs in my brain are turning again... I know everyone is eager to participate and give to the site as far as user content goes... Which gave me the idea to run an art contest for a gene pack! We'll be picking a couple themes and you guys will get to color up our starting pets! I'm not sure what the prizes would be, but it would include getting your genes released on the site and probably a bit of site currency as well. If you have ideas or feedback for how to make this event more fun or inviting, then please leave them in the comments or you can PM me! n.n

In other news, I've swapped out the items in the Jade Emporium! St. Patrick's Day and Faerie items are available now, along with the Vernal Vineyard set! Oh and one last little surprise... the Mini Pets have made an appearance as well! I have no idea how long these will be available. For a couple months at least, probably longer as I'll likely forget about it. I'll try to give some warning before things shift out again!

Anyway, that's it for now, I'll let you know when the event launches!

Feb 20th, 2017 @ 9:06 AM
Exciting news! I wish I wasnt so broke right now, that kitty is purrfect. I look forward to seeing the results of this contest
Feb 18th, 2017 @ 4:47 PM
Whoo! Thanks for the update and all the other news! Also, very glad to hear things are moving forwards for you again, I hope everything sorts itself sooner rather than later! ^w^