News > Mostly Alive
Posted by Rhowyn Jul 19th, 2017 @ 3:27 PM
Mostly Alive
No thanks to my body! I'm so sorry guys for delay after delay after delay. I'm still looking for work after 3 months of being without income. I'm hanging on by a thread and on top of it I've been anemic and shut down for the last 7 weeks (except for forcing myself to go to job interviews). Thanks to my amazing doctor we've got that particular crisis under control (for the moment, here's hoping it doesn't pop back up), but I'm still slowly recovering resources and building my strength up. I will say that I'm in line for an awesome, cushy office job with one of the hospitals in Springfield so I am praying and wishing and finger crossing like crazy that I get called in the next couple days with good news!

In regards to Origins, though things are insanely behind, we are not giving up. I've finally managed to get an important piece of the work done on my end and that will put us back on track! In the mean time don't be shy about checking us out on Discord! Join Link!

Jul 26th, 2017 @ 2:03 PM
They're still deciding... Arg... And I feel a lot better after some rest and iron supplements. n.n
Jul 24th, 2017 @ 9:27 PM
Good! You need to take care of yourself first~ I've been anemic before, and it freaking sucks. DX

Here's hoping you get the job~