Posted by Rhowyn
Sep 12th, 2018 @ 9:38 PM
From the Grave....
Okay not the actual grave, but gosh it seems like that, I bet!!! 
I'm so grateful to Royal for picking up so much slack around here. He's been a fantabulous asset and friend to me and the site, I can't express enough that so much of the recent improvements are because of him. Thanks for keeping things (and me) going, man, you're the best!!
Alright, that's enough mushy
I definitely owe everyone an update about the general state of the site. It's true that we're trying to get as much of the Kickstarter rewards out as possible. I must apologize for the coding still not being released. It seems that Paul has been having some health issues and has not been able to work. The last I heard he was going to come back, however, he's gone silent again. (on all his clients) Giving him the benefit of the doubt, please keep him in your thoughts and prayers, I'd hate to get upset at him and find out he really is going through some serious RL storms.
In the meantime, I'm trying to come up with a direction for this site and community that is true to our past, my own interests/desires, and what our fanbase has been expecting. I've had some ideas and inspiration that has lead me to believe the site would be best served with another face lift, some intensive world building, and focus on the avatars. Pets will still be featured, but won't be their own separate feature. For the time being (until we can get the programming for something different) they will be released as "mini pets", allowing users to equip them with their avatars. I will try this weekend to give a more thorough idea of what this means and perhaps even release some special pets.
As such, we will be hosting a Color Your Own event to launch the "new" feature and I will soon be presenting a more cohesive plan for the future. I just started a new job this week and I'm extra tired from getting back into the swing of mornings (evil, evil mornings). Once I get my schedule better set, I will also resume streaming, and will focus on *drumroll* an avatar overhaul! We'll be getting new bases and items as well as including the pets in rotation. So stick with me here folks, hopefully things will be picking up soon!!

I'm so grateful to Royal for picking up so much slack around here. He's been a fantabulous asset and friend to me and the site, I can't express enough that so much of the recent improvements are because of him. Thanks for keeping things (and me) going, man, you're the best!!

Alright, that's enough mushy
I definitely owe everyone an update about the general state of the site. It's true that we're trying to get as much of the Kickstarter rewards out as possible. I must apologize for the coding still not being released. It seems that Paul has been having some health issues and has not been able to work. The last I heard he was going to come back, however, he's gone silent again. (on all his clients) Giving him the benefit of the doubt, please keep him in your thoughts and prayers, I'd hate to get upset at him and find out he really is going through some serious RL storms.
In the meantime, I'm trying to come up with a direction for this site and community that is true to our past, my own interests/desires, and what our fanbase has been expecting. I've had some ideas and inspiration that has lead me to believe the site would be best served with another face lift, some intensive world building, and focus on the avatars. Pets will still be featured, but won't be their own separate feature. For the time being (until we can get the programming for something different) they will be released as "mini pets", allowing users to equip them with their avatars. I will try this weekend to give a more thorough idea of what this means and perhaps even release some special pets.
As such, we will be hosting a Color Your Own event to launch the "new" feature and I will soon be presenting a more cohesive plan for the future. I just started a new job this week and I'm extra tired from getting back into the swing of mornings (evil, evil mornings). Once I get my schedule better set, I will also resume streaming, and will focus on *drumroll* an avatar overhaul! We'll be getting new bases and items as well as including the pets in rotation. So stick with me here folks, hopefully things will be picking up soon!!
