Forum > C.A.G.E.R. > Flederfalle's Flowers in the Sun
Flederfalle the BatTrap
Ko-fi Bean


Good day,

I'm hereby hosting an Avatar-creating contest. I am recently lacking a bit of inspiration, so I hope you can help me out As you can clearly see on the left, I got a bit lost in my mind there.

I alone will choose the winner, and the Prize will be 11 Dream Shards. (That's one higher than ten, you see.)
Participants may find some extra 11111 Wish Shards in their pocket.

The task:
Design a male-based Avatar around a yellow-coloured item. That item should be one of the following site colours: Orange, Honey, Sunshine, or Buttercup.
Any other colours are your choice, but they should compliment that central piece of yellow and not hide it.
I'd also love if you include any kind of flower in your avatar - even if it's just a baby pet's decoration.

Because my attention span is short, I will accept entries until 30th of January, including. That's in about a week and just in time for the next FAD.
I'll pick and post a winner sometime on 31st of January.

Have fun
Kiwiana the Magic Fairy


Played around a bit, not sure tho if this is of your liking at all^^
Flederfalle the BatTrap
Ko-fi Bean


Sweet Wish shards sent!
Kiwiana the Magic Fairy


Sweet Wish shards sent!

thank you
Flederfalle the BatTrap
Ko-fi Bean


Last day!
Lady Dragongirl
Ko-fi Bean
Dragon Guardian


Here is one more
My Wishlist
Friend code = Wizard United: 4394 6092 6061 Pokemon Go: 9859 4622 2603
Flederfalle the BatTrap
Ko-fi Bean


Thank you both! The winner is @Dragongirl, with a close second being @Kiwiana! Dream Shards have been sent!
I shall get dressed as soon as I have a few quiet minutes.

(You may notice I've sent wish shards first instead of dream shards, sorry about that! Don't mind the pocket change )

Thanks for participating!
Kiwiana the Magic Fairy


Aww thank you! Happy there was another entry