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Hakai the Soul Guide
Shadow Walker


The thing I love the most about Halloween is seeing the decorations that people come up with. Some of the things I have seen over the years have gotten better and better. Scary movies are not personally my thing but I know they are a thing for a lot of people. I dress up a little at work but sadly that's about it for me.
fantabulous weezee
Purple Mistress ๐Ÿฆ‰


Lots of pretties sent!

I'm too lazy to post what I sent, but I have notifs that tell me what and who I sent what to.

and YESSS I love looking at decorations. We have a few in one of the neighborhoods on my school bus route that are amazing! O.O
Ko-fi Bean


My coworker was telling me one of the houses in her neighborhood has it where they have their house's decorations are synced to music. I'm definitely excited to see it if we do get to walk around her neighborhood.

Ooo that's awesome!
ScuroFenice the Phoenix Bearer
Lady of the Odyssey


Thank you weezee for the stuffs!

I have a question, what are all your favorite monsters?

I think mine might be....the headless horseman
Ko-fi Bean


Halloween is my favorite time of year. I used to love dressing up and hosting haunted houses and hay rides. Really it's just the epitome of fall and changing of the seasons and autumn is my favorite. The more traditional aspects of it I enjoy a lot; everything from all of the scary movies to decorations. I also celebrate Samhain though too so it has spiritual significances to me as well. I feel like during fall I really come alive. I'm always more inspired, hopeful, ready for change but also reflecting and learning life lessons during the fall and it all peeks right around Halloween/Samhain.

Monsters are generally not my thing, but witches, ah, that's my jam.


thanks weezee!

also, witches! my fave. and black cats.
fantabulous weezee
Purple Mistress ๐Ÿฆ‰


When I get off work tomorrow I'll be posting the release... but until then.. POST POST POST! I'll maybe give something to everyone that posts so even those that post multiple times will get multiple things.... maybe... depends how I feel. I might just give you the money to buy them yourself cuz yeah, that's so much easier.


I've got the money I'm sure. ALSO people, if you have a wishlist with wish shard items on it, PLEASE post here so I can troll it
Ko-fi Bean


I think one of my fav monsters are naga.

Thank you for the gifts! I can't wait to see what the other items are.
Priestess Okirin
Shy Wolf Soul


My favourite monsters ? Well, I'm torn between classical werewolves and doctor Who's weeping angels.

and thank you for the gifts, weezee !
Flederfalle the BatTrap
Ko-fi Bean


We don't really celebrate it here in Germany so my favourite part is that the day AFTER is a day off (public holiday!)

You don't?! o.o I had no idea! What is the holiday after Halloween for you?

Well, it's Allhallows (hence, Halloween - the evening before that) or All Saints, which is a mostly catholic holiday on which people visit the graves of their beloved ones. Celebrations or loud music aren't even allowed until 18:00 just because the church got their creepy fingers everywhere.
For me, it's just going to be a day on which I have a nice lunch with my soon-to-be-dad (we're working on an adoption, should be easy between adults, just takes time because of bureaucracy).

Oh, I just noticed I got stuff - thank you! ๐Ÿงก
fantabulous weezee
Purple Mistress ๐Ÿฆ‰


You're all quite welcome. It didn't turn out as chatty as I had hoped, but that's partly my fault for waiting so late. Keep chatting while I get a thread ready to do the release! Once I post I'll toss some moneies at those that posted in the thread.
fantabulous weezee
Purple Mistress ๐Ÿฆ‰


Thread is posted! And I sent monies! Enjoy!


yay monies!
and we didn't have as many kids for trick or treating as we did last year. and it was COLD outside.
not sure if I'll be starting my NaNo at midnight or not. probably not..... I'll wait until it's light out, and I'm at my desk.
Priestess Okirin
Shy Wolf Soul


Oh, thank you weezee !

Turns out I didn't need to wait for little kids, but I still enjoyed my day indoors ! To be honest, the weather is quite terrible here, so at least I was warm and comfy...

Well, with that release I am, at least, gonna have some new ideas. Also. Will continue to troll wishlists!
Ko-fi Bean


Yay, thank you for the gift! I would have been more chatty but kiddo wound up sick the night before and then on Halloween so between making sure he was getting meds every four hours along with fluids and ect and then just dealing with him being upset about not being able to trick-or-treat I really didn't do much else besides watch t.v. and nod off when I had the chances for naps.


i'm watching one of my cats play with his tail. no, he's not orange.... he doesn't have any brain cells to share. (honestly, i think one of my orange cats took it.... )

my calico not only chases her tail, but catches it. It's very cute