Forum > Official Events > NaNoWriMo 2023
Rhowyn aka Lucille
Lady Awesomesauce


Welcome to NaNoWriMo 2022!

November is National Novel Writing Month and it's swiftly approaching! So ready your keyboard, typewriter, quill and parchment or whatever writing tool you happen to favor as we get ready to dash toward a 50,000 word finish line!

List of Participants

Rhee | Affection Not Given Lightly | Romance ⭐⭐⭐
Dragongirl | Untitled | Fan Fiction

To be added as a participant please link to your NaNoWriMo website profile!

Helpful Links & Information
Official NaNoWriMo Website
From 2,000 to 10,000 words a Day: By Rachel Aaron
How to (Successfully) Write Everyday: By Rachel Aaron
yWriter (PM Kalika with questions)
Progress Bar Generator
My Noise

Just For Fun
Lulu Titlescorer
Written? Kitten!
Rhowyn aka Lucille
Lady Awesomesauce


Prizes & Winners

Like previous years we've come up with a great list of prizes/incentives for those brave (or foolish) enough to attempt this challenge!

It all starts with a star! Whenever you reach a milestone (10k words, 20k words, all the way up to 50k words!) you will receive one star! If you collect five stars (and reach 50,000 words) you will receive prizes as follows!

Star Prize Tiers:
⭐ 1st Star at 10,000 Words - 10,000 WS
⭐⭐ 2nd Star at 20,000 Words - 20,000 WS
⭐⭐⭐ 3rd Star at 30,000 Words - 30,000 WS + 10 DS
⭐⭐⭐⭐ 4th Star at 40,000 Words - 40,000 WS
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐5th Star at 50,000 Words - 20 DS + NaNo Winner's FA Item 2022

For a total prize list of:
NaNo Winner's FA Item 2023
30 DS
100,000 WS

Rhowyn | Untitled | Paranormal Romance ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
trystan | Untitled | Adventure ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Kiran | Untitled | Undecided ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Flederfalle | Feiles Leben | Dystopian ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐



me! i'm in!
i'm trystan ( on the nano site. my story is untitled, as most of them start out. it's like the amazing race, but it's sponsored by a tech company, PicGroup, and you can use ALL THE TECH for the scavenger hunt. i still need more names.
Rhowyn aka Lucille
Lady Awesomesauce


I got you added! I wasn't sure what to put for the genre so I just put Adventure. Let me know if you want me to change it.

Kiran the Calligrapher
High Priestess Kiranut


I'm participating! Haven't the foggiest what I'm writing, gotta squeeze in some heavy pantsing here and there while the puppy naps, this'll be interesting ^^"


I got you added! I wasn't sure what to put for the genre so I just put Adventure. Let me know if you want me to change it.
Adventure works just fine, that's what i have it as on the NaNo site
Egg Master Rhee
Exotic Egg

I’ll be attempting this year as well, need to set up my nano page again. I will be trying to write romance.
Flederfalle the BatTrap
Ko-fi Bean


Uh ... need to remember my password 🤔

Apparently it was the first one I tried
So, I'll be Fluchtpunkt, as usual, with the story burning in my brain for years. It's something quite dystopian.
Rhowyn aka Lucille
Lady Awesomesauce


I’ll be attempting this year as well, need to set up my nano page again. I will be trying to write romance.

I got everyone added! Rhee, once you have your profile link I'll add it to the first post.
Egg Master Rhee
Exotic Egg

I’ll be attempting this year as well, need to set up my nano page again. I will be trying to write romance.

I got everyone added! Rhee, once you have your profile link I'll add it to the first post.

Okay here it is
Lady Dragongirl
Ko-fi Bean
Dragon Guardian


Going to give it a try again this year.
Rhowyn aka Lucille
Lady Awesomesauce


I got you both added!

Today is the first! Happy 1st Day of NaNo everyone! I hope you're all off to a great start!
Kiran the Calligrapher
High Priestess Kiranut


Yeah, not exactly off to a terrific start here. Sitting around staring at that blank page, brain providing a solid "...uuuuuhhh" - so this could be a tricky month
Flederfalle the BatTrap
Ko-fi Bean


Now I imagine whoever-your-character-will-be being the one stating "...uuuuuhhh" as their first comment on whatever they see
Rhowyn aka Lucille
Lady Awesomesauce


You're not alone, I'm struggling here, too. I still have a lot of hours left in the day thankfully, but they're going by so fast! Aaaa!

Yeah, not exactly off to a terrific start here. Sitting around staring at that blank page, brain providing a solid "...uuuuuhhh" - so this could be a tricky month


1195 words so far, and i want to write all the scenes at once
it doesn't work that way. heh.
Flederfalle the BatTrap
Ko-fi Bean


I have a vaguely similar problem I have multiple timelines going at once but they just don't want to properly match up (at least not in my head, yet) as if I had a black hole somewhere that changes time
Lady Dragongirl
Ko-fi Bean
Dragon Guardian


I messed up yesterday, but hopefully, this weekend, I can fix that. Something unexpected came up yesterday that I had to deal with, which messed me up.


i've got it figured out now.

because i work on a register on the weekends and then have two different groups that meet at the church I've been going to, there's some days where i won't get as much written as the other days. if i can get over the word count goals on the other days, I'll be good. I'll try not to be too twitchy those days.
Egg Master Rhee
Exotic Egg

600 words is good, I need to put in an outline of stuff I want to expand on. formatting will be hell of course, because linear is easier to read... its so easy to write non linear though. U_U