
Posted by Rhowyn Oct 19th, 2017 @ 6:24 PM
Permalink Whoo-hoo!
Good news everyone! We've not only met our fundraising goal, but exceeded it! This is a huge relief and I'm really excited to get things moving forward again!

Bad news everyone... Since we've met our fundraising goal, the special fundraising incentives are no longer available. But don't worry, the Kitsori will be returning in the future! *happy dance*

In other news... there's a couple things I want to bring your attention to!

First up, NaNoWriMo will be starting soon! Kalika is going to be running the event and will make a news post with all the info at some point in the next couple of weeks.

The other, is a nod to Royal's Halloween Costume Contest! Check it out to win fun prizes!

And in personal news, I am moving next week (the 28th). This shouldn't hold me up, too much and I honestly shouldn't be offline anymore than usual, but in case I do poof for a couple days, well that's why. I'm very excited as this should be my final move for the next few years and so that means I finally get to unpack all my things and properly nest! *throws confetti* Yay me!

That's it for now. I'll be keeping everyone appraised of further updates as they come. As for the layout, I apologize for the delay, we're doing our best to get it worked on! TTFN, ta ta for now!

Posted by Rhowyn Oct 9th, 2017 @ 8:49 AM
Permalink Layout Incoming!
I just wanted to give everyone a heads up that Paul is working on the layout today. It won't be implemented on the site right away. We are doing it in parts, so one area of the site might update before another, so please just bear with us there. Once he's finished I'll open a bug report thread for you guys to post up any concerns/issues that arise. Thank you for all your patience!

Posted by Rhowyn Sep 25th, 2017 @ 8:52 AM
Permalink Layout Coming Soon!
I'm happy to report that the new layout will be released sometime between now and next week! I don't think the site will go down, but in the event it's inaccessible for a time, please be checking our social media accounts for further news! That's how we'll keep you all informed. If I have other news regarding this then I will update you ASAP!


Also we are only $30 away from our goal! I'm so very appreciative of everyone that has been able to pitch in, your contribution helps a whole heap!!

I'm also pleased to announce that we will soon be doing a free raffle to give users a chance at Kitsori colorations! So be watching for that later on down the road (in the next few weeks)!

Posted by Rhowyn Sep 22nd, 2017 @ 9:09 PM
Permalink Kitsori is Done!!
And boy is it gorgeous!!!!

I've also updated the tiers so that there's more Kitsori in each tier and that way there can be a zillion of them everywhere!

Posted by Rhowyn Sep 18th, 2017 @ 8:04 PM
Permalink Emergency Fundraiser
Okay guys, I finally got everything worked out and then typed up! Most of the details are in the spoiler below (in an attempt to keep the post from being way too long) and the actual incentive tiers are below that!

Fundraising Goal: $325 of $300

Spoiler: Incentive/Package Details
Whoo! On to the best part; incentives! We're going to try to keep this as simple as possible, so that means higher tiers will not stack with the previous tier. However, I did make it so that the incentives multiple the more you give, especially the AB/JB. If you really want to contribute more than what the tiers allow, I'd be willing to do multiple tiers. Example: Someone contributes $70, they could claim the $50 package and the $20 package or the $50 package and 2 $10 packages.

You may recognize a couple things that made their debut as addons in our Kickstarter, namely the Pet Starter Kit and Breeding Starter Kit. The Kitsori on the other hand is a brand new pet we've not shown off before. We decided to use it as a guinea pig of sorts. The plan is for the Kitsori to be a standard release pet further on down the road, but in the meantime, we want to make it available for CYO as well. (Please note that CYO pets aren't available for breeding.) If it goes well, we may do this with other basic pets to give them a special aspect and give users some extra fun out of them.

I also want to take a moment to explain the CYO (Color Your Own). This allows you to color the PSD of a pet and upload. You can also have a friend color it for you if you lack the skills or tech required to do so. The $50 Package doesn't just give you the CYO maker, but it also allows you to submit a color palette and theme and have one of our colorists create the design for you.

If you have any questions about this or the other incentives, please don't hesitate to PM me! My PM inbox is always open.

Pet Starter Pack
• 2 Spirit Talismans (basic pet creation item)
• 2 Basic Gene Packs

Breeding Starter Kit
• Basic Breeding Item
• Scryer's Talisman (allows users to pick the look of the offspring)
• Mystic Infusion (allows users to replace the color range of one parent with another chosen color range - Example: swap blue range to yellow range)
• Unstable Infusion (allows users to replace the color range of one parent with a random color range)
• Essence Infusion (allows users to include a third color range in addition to the two ranges provided naturally by the parents)

$10 Package
• Contributor status
• 50,000 AB
• 15 JB
• Pet Starter Kit
• 1 CYO Kitsori PSD use

$20 Package
• Contributor status
• 100,000 AB
• 30 JB
• Breeding Starter Kit
• 2 CYO Kitsori PSD uses

$30 Package
•Contributor status
• 150,000 AB
• 45 JB
• 3 CYO Kitsori PSD uses

$50 Package - Limit 2 None Remaining!
• Contributor status
• 200,000 AB
• 75 JB
• Breeding Starter Kit & Pet Starter Kit
• 4 CYO Kitsori PSD use
• 1 Kitsori coloration courtesy of our colorists

To contribute: Please use THIS LINK and include your Origins Username!

I think that's just about everything... This fundraiser will go from now until we hit our goal. I'm not looking to make extra, just get what we absolutely need and then move on. I'm dying for pets to be released (because I want to make gobs of pretty pets, too! T.T) and get things moving, I hate the overwhelming feeling of us not going anywhere. So thank you to everyone who can contribute and thank you to every single one of our loyal fans. I can't say it enough... The staff and I love you!!