
Posted by Rhowyn Jul 19th, 2017 @ 3:27 PM
Permalink Mostly Alive
No thanks to my body! I'm so sorry guys for delay after delay after delay. I'm still looking for work after 3 months of being without income. I'm hanging on by a thread and on top of it I've been anemic and shut down for the last 7 weeks (except for forcing myself to go to job interviews). Thanks to my amazing doctor we've got that particular crisis under control (for the moment, here's hoping it doesn't pop back up), but I'm still slowly recovering resources and building my strength up. I will say that I'm in line for an awesome, cushy office job with one of the hospitals in Springfield so I am praying and wishing and finger crossing like crazy that I get called in the next couple days with good news!

In regards to Origins, though things are insanely behind, we are not giving up. I've finally managed to get an important piece of the work done on my end and that will put us back on track! In the mean time don't be shy about checking us out on Discord! Join Link!

Posted by Lockette Jun 12th, 2017 @ 8:42 PM
Permalink Events and Winners!
Hello, everyone, Lockette here! I just wanted to let everyone know that we're all still alive! But as you know, life happens and we're doing our best to keep things going! After a long time of waiting, we have finally gotten around to drawing the winners of the Christmas events! Please go to the respective threads to see the winners and their prizes! Please note that not all of the prizes will be handed out just yet, however we've got a list going of everyone who has won and what they won and after we get everything fixed we'll get them handed out! Congratulations to all of the winners! We would also like to direct everyone's attention to the C.A.G.E.R. where two exciting events are taking place right now: Kalika's Set Raffle and Loliqua's Chat for AB! Please take the time to check them out! That's all for now, but if you haven't done so already, please check out our Discord channel and hang out with us! Until next time!

Posted by Rhowyn Apr 25th, 2017 @ 3:49 PM
Permalink Update: Something About a Fan and Crap...
It's been a while since our last update, I know, I fell into the pit of silence again, but I wanted to go ahead and let you all know we're not dead. You know that old saying, the crap hit the fan? Well it very adequately describes my personal life at the moment. I had oral surgery last week and a couple hours after my boss informed me that I didn't need to come into work anymore. All the money I could have used to keep myself afloat while finding another job got sunk into having my wisdom teeth extracted! So I'm hunting for work again.

Honestly I think this is for the best. Despite having 4 days off in a row I was working so hard for 72 hours straight that it took me several days to recover and then I spent the other days dreading going back. The pay was good, but the work was demanding, intense and straight out exhausting. I was starting to turn my thoughts toward another job already, I just didn't expect to be randomly laid off (and because the other two staff wanted their hours back, too, kind of a crappy reason if you ask me but I digress).

Anyway, amidst looking for another job I will be trying to tackle Origins stuff. I know I've said that a zillion times, but hopefully with my mind more focused I can actually accomplish something instead of staring at my monitor and thinking a nap sounds nice. In the spirit of such here is something I can offer everyone!

Our new group hang out on Discord! Join Link You can keep in touch directly with the staff and directly with me, hang out with other Origins users and even voice chat if you so desire. Discord is a great program that can be used via browser or you can download the app to your PC, phone or device. It's 100% free to use. I highly recommend it, even if you don't join our server, but of course you're all welcome to do so!

I will be posting with more updates as soon as I can. Much love to you all for your patience, please keep hanging in there for us!

Posted by Kalika Apr 6th, 2017 @ 1:36 PM
Permalink Camp NaNo - April Edition
Another Non-Lucy Update!

Hey everyone! Kalika here! I managed to steal borrow the News feed from Lucy. Shhh, don't let her know I took it because I have some important stuff to talk about!

Here at Origins we are big supporters of National Novel Writing Month, which for those who may not know, takes place in November. While it isn't November yet, we continue to support and encourage writing by teaming up for Camp NaNoWriMo, too! Camp takes place twice a year during the months of April and July and tends to be a lot more laid back, focusing more on having fun than grinding out words until you can't see straight! Signing up is easy and there's nothing to lose if you don't reach your goal. If you do, then not only does the Official Website offer sponsored gifts and discounts, but Origins gives out prizes as well!

From scripts to poetry, revisions to new novels, the sky is the limit when signing up for Camp NaNo. And due to recent improvements, alternate tracking methods make breaking that mold even easier! Track your progress in words, pages, even hours! Since we only recently discovered this change, we're allowing everyone until April 14th at 11:59pm Origins time to adjust their goals. After that point you will be locked into your minimum goal as usual and only be permitted to increase it (and still earn the winner's prize)!

*hears Lucy coming in search of the News post* Gotta run! If you have any other questions, want to check out the prizes or just want to cheer everyone on, head over to our Camp NaNoWriMo thread!

Posted by Rhowyn Mar 6th, 2017 @ 2:23 PM
Permalink Lucy Update #5
First off, thanks everyone for the congratulations and support during this transition! I really appreciate you guys being here for me! I'm settling into the new job well, I'm actually there now, waiting while my patient takes a nap. Since i'm on my tablet there's not much I can get done, but I thought an update was in order!

Here's what we're going to focus on over the next few weeks, our to do list so to speak:

*Change the site layout
*Set up for Camp NaNo! (be watching for a news post and whatnot from Kalika!)
*Sending out Kickstarter surveys (finally!)
*Passing out Kickstarter and NaNoWriMo prizes (finally!)
*Get pets and breeding released

I will do my best to keep you all updated as these things are implemented, so please continue to be patient for just a bit longer! Once this short list is done we will begin to work on other revamps and projects for Origins, including the RPG we promised! Stay tuned and have a great week!